author: starbreaker
I just remembered how to read Unix manual pages inside Emacs: "M-x woman".
I think my cat wants dinner. He's jumped into my lap, is purring loudly, and is being very kneady.
I think I need an intervention. The React koolaid is starting to taste good.
I was listening to Master Boot Record's cover of the TMNT theme from his WAREZ album, and recognized the opening riff to Pantera's "Cowboys From Hell" midway through.
I'm gonna have to move off of I keep getting HTTP 400 when trying to push my gemini tarball.
I judge the quality of a web page by how many regular expressions I have to feed to sed after fetching the page with lynx -dump -nolist to get a readable plaintext version.
Oops. I just nuked a post when I meant to nuke a comment. LOL
81°F in my home office. I don't want to break out the air conditioner yet, though. Not until July if I can manage it.
Got a long drive in store for me next Friday. Finally gonna bring in my old typewriters for repair.
Hello. Don't mind me. I'm just another metalhead who codes for a living.