👽 softwarepagan

I long to get out of the cubicle and make my living doing something on my own schedule. I need to grt started on some projects I'm trying to get written bur this is hard when you already work full-time and have kids. Does anyone have any advice for someone trying to get out of the corporate world and into freelance work?

1 year ago


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4 Replies

👽 softwarepagan

@danrl Homesteading is the goal, in fact. it's just expensive to get that started. I live in a shitty rental in town. I could grow food to a degree but right now I couldn't raise livestock or anything like that · 1 year ago

👽 danrl

damn. hmm, is homesteading an option? is it legal and appropriate to make your kids contribute by having them work the garden for (almost) free food? my parents did that to a small degree.

u can see i am running out of ideas. inflation is an issue in many parts of the world right now. hope you find a way forward. · 1 year ago

👽 softwarepagan

@danrl I've already done that to a ridiculous degree. things just keep getting more expensive :/ · 1 year ago

👽 danrl

radically reduce your fixed costs. that allows for less income which gives you more time and freedom. it may require lowering your and your family’s standard of living. not easy. extremely effective, though. · 1 year ago