Does anyone know of a good Gemini translation site? My Greek, Armenian, etc are not so good, but I'd love it if I didn't have to switch to the "big" web to get a quick copy/paste translate. It *seems* like something that would be possible in Gemini.
2 years ago · 👍 smokey, mounderfod
As @eph mentioned, Lagrange has this functionality built in. Not sure if it pulls from the "big" web or what, but I'm assuming it's not. · 2 years ago
Lagrange uses a service called ARGOS I think, but that’s all I really know · 2 years ago
None exist to my knowledge, just looked into it and I really like this implimentation:
You can install 'dictd' server and use Freedict Dictionary database for word translations
In theory all that would be needed is a way to convert stardict format into gemtext. It probably wouldnt be as accurate as a google translate scraper but makes up for it by being free and open source. · 2 years ago