author: obspogon
haven't been active on gemini latley, thanks for keeping my astrobotany plant watered.
check out
Lagrange black theme looks so good on my phone
Station's cert has expired
Posting from new Lagrange android
what's everyone's opinions on homestuck?
today i learnt that lagrange android has tabs
Anyone know what happend to this capsule? gemini://
gemini:// moved capsule hosts
when is the next lagrange android update?
Set up a NAS with openmediavault. Other than storing my roms and saves in the cloud, any other ideas of what i can do?
finally got a gemini capsule gemini://
I would like to shout out @CyberTailor 's AstroBotany plant for their music
My Astrobotany plant: gemini://
Hello Station!