Ham radio/CW Morse Code Question. Are there any of you out there who type rather than use what is traditionally called stick copy with a pen or pencil? If so, is there a good reason to learn to type when I copy other than not needing the paper on the desk? I'm just curious if there's an opinon.
73 AR SK
9 months ago
thanks @schrockwell I'm going to BM that link. I"m not much for contesting as the hit and run nature of it seems to bring out some of the worst in the hobby. Maybe because I'm a QRP operator I just keep moving if I'm getting shouted over, but iI have used up a few pages just copying the other traffic in the pileup, so I'm not gaining any speed in copy in that regard but saving paper hi hi! ยท 9 months ago
CW contesting, for one. For practice, I'll self-plug https://morsle.fun/ :) ยท 9 months ago