馃懡 mrrobinhood5

I've been reading this site I found from smallweb links and I've been dreaming about living free. Why are we programmed to not do this? Why is the system set up against this?


11 months ago 路 馃憤 maxheadroom, me




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6 Replies

馃懡 me

@mrrobinhood5 we can also talk together. i am out of the system since 2 years... there are pro and contra things :) 路 4 months ago

馃懡 me


thomas wagner:

Desertion into freedom. How the State Created Its Enemies - Sketches on the Global History of Democracy.

In german: fahnenflucht

Yuval Noah Harari: homo deus 路 4 months ago

馃懡 mrrobinhood5

@me would love that 路 4 months ago

馃懡 me

can recommend you some books which might help understanding this big failure better.. i am trying to live free, but struggling quite a bit as a well educated, smart, travelling homeless.. 路 4 months ago

馃懡 willowf

@maxheadroom RETVRN TO NO SEWERS lmao 路 11 months ago

馃懡 maxheadroom

our grand parents used to be self sufficient,

they knew how to live off the land, bake their own bread. etc.

then the gov came along and made life 'convenient' with a sewer, cheap gas, electricity.

Then once everyone was dependent then corruption creeped in and the network mobsters made everything ever more expensive.

It was good for some time, but the greedy people who took leading positions wanted ever more. Now we have only supergreed, we call it economists. People who are 'educated to be greedy bullshitters' They now want even more money to provide even less services.

Economist = Inhumane bullshitter. 路 11 months ago