I've been tempted to start up a web site to mirror some of my gemini posts to a few times this week, but having to worry about web things like styling keeps turning me off.
2 years ago
@degrowther2 I get what you mean. CSS can be a lot of fun but it can also feel distracting. If I get too into it it's all I'll focus on haha.
Anyway, I went and created a neocities site.
https://moddedbear.neocities.org/ 路 2 years ago
I acually had a ton of fun styling and designing my new website, but it required a totally different mood & mindset from actually writing posts. 路 2 years ago
@haze Thanks for the resources. Writing for gemini has spoiled me with not having to think about presentation. I very much want something I can quickly set and not spend much time tinkering with trying to get perfect, but converting from a format as simple as gemtext should be helpful for that anyway. 路 2 years ago
The end result looks like this. The decorations are done by CSS so you don't need to generate complicated HTML. (Yes the web is horrible, theres hundreds of ways to do the same thing)
https://tlgs.one/ 路 2 years ago
You can just copy one of the open source proxy's CSS. Most stylings expect very a direct translation from Gemtext to the coresponding HTML. ( # to be converted to <h1>, ## to <h2>, => to <a>, etc.. ) Then directly style over that.
Take my server for example:
https://github.com/marty1885/dremini/blob/master/dremini/GeminiServerPlugin.cpp#L16-L168 路 2 years ago