馃懡 martin

A really cool thing happened in my taxi home last night. My driver spoke no English, but noticed I spoke a tiny bit of Vietnamese due to how I greeted him. The 20-min ride turned into the biggest Vietnamese conversation I've had so far. I want much more of this! So cool.

3 weeks ago 路 馃憤 innerteapot, damian, fripster, m_a_r_k, danrl, drh3xx, fab, bavarianbarbarian, xoagray, bookscorpion, lykso, johano


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5 Replies

馃懡 bavarianbarbarian

@martin if, in the name of the gods, you could manage it to be in the south while the horto historico medieval festival is happening, that will be a great party, i promise. drinking mead in the hall of the king, a lot of shieldmaids, druids doing weird things with their magical stuff, witches and dwarfs and dragons... and of course myself, the grim reaper &) after you have enjoyed enough kerschgeist you can see them all xD 路 3 weeks ago

馃懡 martin

@bavarianbarbarian Next time I'm in the south, I'll let you know! 路 3 weeks ago

馃懡 bavarianbarbarian

@martin come to bavaria and we will have a really good time ;) you should try then my homebrew beer and liquor, sitting in the garden with a campfire and cuddling the cat, maybe some magical potions from the plants.... xD 路 3 weeks ago

馃懡 martin

@bavarianbarbarian Your stories are always so crazy. I love it. If I ever bump into you by accident in real life, it will take me no less than 3 seconds to realise it's you, I expect :) 路 3 weeks ago

馃懡 bavarianbarbarian

had some quite the same experience last year while riding the omnibus. bunch of foreigners talking french, switching to english and arab... suddenly as i responed in arab, they got WOOOOW WTF what is his dude talking? switching back to french.. WOOOW wtf a german dude who can talk french? we had a really funny ride cos i had some bottles of local liquids in my backpack they were not used to enjoy xD 路 3 weeks ago