馃懡 martin

I'm sat at an outdoor restaurant in the middle of Cambodia when a friend (who I last saw in Vietnam in April) walks by and recognises me. We sat and had drinks and caught up. It's crazy how the world can feel so small sometimes, but I love it.

1 month ago 路 馃憤 byte, ganoo, nightliife, chirale, hanzbrix


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6 Replies

馃懡 martin

@johano Beda怒rinde ne... kaj fakte, 臐i estas la unua lando en Azio en kiu mi ne renkonti臐is kun alia Esperantisto, 膲ar mi tion faris amba怒 en vjetnamio kaj plurfoje en tajlando. Mi vere dubas, 膲u 膲i tie efektive estas aliaj Esperantistoj. 路 1 month ago

馃懡 johano

膱u alia esperantistoj? 路 1 month ago

馃懡 martin

@protoc0l Wow, amazing. Yeah, pretty hard to top that. Serendipity is really going to have to pull one out to beat it next time. 路 1 month ago

馃懡 martin

@melyanna So unexpected. Feels like it shouldn't happen! 路 1 month ago

馃懡 protoc0l

We were in Hilton Head, SC on vacation once, 500 miles from home, getting lunch, and we saw our friend from high school back home, who we hadn't seen in 15 years with their back to us, reading a sign. We caught up and chitchatted for about a half hour. To this day it was the most serendipitous thing I've ever experienced. 路 1 month ago

馃懡 melyanna

It is amazing that you got to see your friend and had a chance to spend some time together. What a lovely surprise it must have been ! 路 1 month ago