I think the reason creatives/artists support each others' work is because they know how fulfilling it feels to be supported in their own. A compliment, a little of your attention, some feedback, or just a "nice work" is such low energy high impact act. Imagine not using that.
7 months ago · 👍 radish, alienskeptical, lykso, jo
i agree! when something makes me go "wow", i've started forcing myself to tell the artist. I downloaded Cara recently and don't really post much, but I sometimes go to the recent posts feed and onzeract with the art because there is great work just being ignored!! · 6 months ago
So when I praise something myself, I try to invest some time into appreciating work, like giving music a few listens over a couple of days — and providing an extensive comment, I think such feedback is worth a lot more than just like/thumb up or "good job". · 7 months ago
"such low energy high impact act" — I agree with this… To a degree 😄
While indeed, saying something like "good job!" doesn't cost you anything and gives the other party a warm and fuzzy feeling, when I'm on the receiving end, such remarks feel generic, and some people go way overboard praising things that you yourself do not feel they should. You know they do it out of courtesy, but you still feel like you're being manipulated — in absolute most cases it's not true, but that is how I feel. · 7 months ago
Also some of the best comments/criticisms of your own work usually come from other artists .. it’s the shared experience that makes it easier to communicate · 7 months ago