👽 martin

I just wrote some random thoughts on "Occam's razor": https://martinrue.com/the-simple-life

4 months ago · 👍 danrl, chirale, johano




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4 Replies

👽 martin

@danrl Same to you! · 4 months ago

👽 danrl

@martin thanks for sharing your experience. very valuable! · 4 months ago

👽 martin

@danrl That's a great question. I've been leading this lifestyle now for about 10 years. Mostly in Europe, and for the past year in Asia. Asia specifically shows me that I could certainly stay here more easily than I thought. On the other hand, staying in one place permanently still doesn't feel like what I personally will ever want. That said, I suspect I'll evolve toward wanting to stay in certain places longer, and spent a smaller fraction (during worse seasons) in others, so that I get to keep experiencing new places (and people!). · 4 months ago

👽 danrl

regarding the quote: my latin is a bit dated, but these are funnily a lot of words to say what it means.

it’s such a great feeling when everything fits in a backpack or (in my case) in a aluminum box. i enjoyed the nomad life and then surprisingly an urge to settle in a place with very specific properties arose in me. properties like having a view, somewhat secluded but still within a community and must have trees and animals. i wonder of you have similar experiences at times? is seeing a lot of places adding up to “this could be a forever home” set of properties? · 4 months ago