"Impatience is an argument with reality."
I like this. I think it's even more useful with the qualifier: "You can win the argument, but not always."
Impatience can be useful, but only when your odds of changing reality are high enough. Otherwise embrace it. Patience brings presence.
10 months ago 路 馃憤 chluehr, flux, danrl, jsreed5, n2qfd
@danrl I really like the quote "slow is smooth, and smooth is fast". I've not read Essentialism, but I may have to add it to my list. 路 10 months ago
There's something in the Zendo in this. They say we must face the wall. It's hard. The folded legs are that we'll take no action with our legs, the resting hands likewise as with the still tongue. People have said:
"Patience is a Virtue." ...maybe...
I still think like may other arts it also requires practice. 路 10 months ago
@danrl Absolutely! Thanks for sharing, looking forward to giving that a read. 馃檶 路 10 months ago
one of the lessons i had to learn the hard way in life. patience is also a great force for (on a zoomed out scale) rapid advancement! very counterintuitive. wrote down my findings in this short essay if anyone is interested in leveraging patience for rapid advancement: http://danrl.com/breakfast (really have to get my capsule going. sorry for posting http) 路 10 months ago