👽 martin

Controversial opinion(?) I'm sick of finishing books with a strong sense that they were 300 pages just to appease the publisher/market, not because the author couldn't have been just as effective in 100 pages. I consider Derek Sivers a perfect counter example of this. Few books should need 300 pages.

10 months ago · 👍 astroseneca


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7 Replies

👽 martin

Lots of cool perspectives here. Great example of why I value this community. ❤️ · 10 months ago

👽 deerbard

Non-controversial. Books should contain as many pages as needed. No limits both ways. · 10 months ago

👽 chirale

Hot topic. There's an attention span issue and there's bad writing issues involved. There are other factors like the cost of the paper and the number of publishers. There's a "book as a product" issue too, where i.e. YouTubers write a book just to sell the audience to the publisher, replicating the social network filter in another media. · 10 months ago

👽 o9e

Maybe this is the niche that Blinkest fills? I always hated the idea, but maybe it's the answer to cutting out the filler?

GRRM's A Song of Fire & Ice could fit in a single volume. Prove me wrong 🤣 · 10 months ago

👽 m0xee

Most books only have a couple of hundreds of essential text, the rest are often charts, tables with data, historical documents or annotations if it's fiction or some philosophy work — I won't necessary read all of it, and yet I'm grateful that this stuff is there, I don't think it would be better if such things were omitted.

Not reading all that is quite okay in my opinion — or giving up on the book entirely if you think it's badly written. · 10 months ago

👽 n2qfd

Yeah, I think there's a difference that comes through when it's the author vs the publisher. SOme books need that volume. Att to Mark Twain- "A classic is something that everybody wants to have read and nobody wants to read." Moby Dick is the best example of that I can think of. I'm sure Melville needed all that exposition and maybe a 19th c audience did too, but frankly I grew up with National Geographic and might know a bit about whales. Check out short story writers, it's the opposite idea, the publisher constrains them. Phillip K Dick was good for short stories. · 10 months ago

👽 jaxx

What about books that are 900+ pages? 🤣 · 10 months ago