馃懡 martin

I spent all day coding yesterday, and damn did that feel good. Same again today.

3 months ago 路 馃憤 io_cat, chirale, aelspire, teekay, danrl, fripster, bavarianbarbarian, m0xee, greg


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6 Replies

馃懡 martin

@melyanna Yeah I'm the same regarding presentations. Not the most exciting thing to make. Good luck and I hope it turns out well! 路 3 months ago

馃懡 melyanna

@martin oh, that's exciting! :)

I am working on some documentation and presentations at work, and questioning my life choices while I do so. I actually don't mind writing documentation (it helps others, but it also helps me get a strong grip on processes as I lay them out); however presentations... definitely not something I enjoy: I am not very good at using few words to explain concepts, and then on top of it I have to try and make the thing look fancy. Or at least appealing enough that it doesn't put people to sleep. :D

I will feel really satisfied though once I have the final document! 路 3 months ago

馃懡 martin

@melyanna No, not secret and thanks for asking! I'm building a new product, a slight variation from Yakk. It's for language learners, and hopefully it'll help us all get much more regularly practice. I'm hoping to ship something in the next few weeks. Are you working on anything? I'm curious in reverse now :) 路 3 months ago

馃懡 melyanna

What are you working on? If I can ask and it's not a secret project. :) 路 3 months ago

馃懡 martin

@bavarianbarbarian Haha I don't know about the tattoo thing as I don't have any, but yeah, the feeling of deep flow is amazing. 路 3 months ago

馃懡 bavarianbarbarian

@martin for as i am not a coder but a former sysadmin, i know that feeling when the flow kicks in... nothing says more you are alive when working at 4o'clock in the night, emergency, backup failed, whole monitoring goes to black cos red is not enough. assembling the whole team, hotfixes without backup and praying to richtie, thompson, pike, zuse and turing that the box will fire up... almost the same feeling when you get a new tattoo and it stops hurting cos the adrenaline kicks in xD 路 3 months ago