Do you use the same keys/identity for all Gemini capsules or have them different for each capsule, what are the best practices here?
1 year ago
@m0xee, I see. I learned something. :-) And I think there needs to be more plain publishing without a reply section. The reply sections suck us into group-think patterns if those are the main model of communication. Therefore i seek more models.
Social media Post and Reply
Chat group conversations
Article publications without a reply or comment section.
and other if i canfind them.. Email / 'personal' messages. But that privacy illusion bubble popped already
The problem is that everything comes with an 'account' that needs to be 'managed' and some of us turn out to be a bit allergic to accounts and management tasks.
Yet i can't really find solutions. · 1 year ago
@maxheadroom Anonymous image boards is the most… well, anonymous means of communication, but even they have tripcodes — a way to confirm that several different posts indeed belong to the same person, or at least the one who also knows the keyword. Many people hate imageboards — mostly because of their culture, but that also makes many think that people only post nasty things when they are anonymous, but I really miss that option at times — when I want people to perceive the post without the background of my earlier ones or things they might otherwise know about me. · 1 year ago
@maxheadroom Keys are to protect you from impostors and I agree, in a lot of cases you don't need to confirm your identity, but there should still be a possibility to do that in those rare occasions when you want it. · 1 year ago
@sbaw Yes, exactly my thoughts!
It might be future proof to have them separate, so when you need that you wont have to do anything, on the other hand — you might never ever need that and this forward-thinking is just extra-hassle 😅 · 1 year ago
I'm still not sure a how to deal with identities. As it's not clear to me yet how much privacy issues there are / will be. in the near future.
I kinda like the tilde spaces where you can publish without a reply section. Without the need of ID's as such. But i also find the more social aspect of the ID's.
For some reasoni would like to live without ID's I don't need a key to use my real name when i communicate with my neighbors... Why can't I do this online? · 1 year ago
The software I use requires different identities, so it’s not much of a choice for me but if I had the choice I’d still make separate ones. Part of it for me is in organization – I create identities and it helps me keep track of what I use and where I’ve been.
I’d also say that it is a safer option to make multiple in case you need to, for example, give a different device access to only one capsule. If you only used one for everything, it could put you in a scenario where you can’t separate different services (but also, this is all theory and is likely overkill). · 1 year ago
The advantages for using the same one are obvious:
- Not all software supports per-capsule setting (e.g. Buran doesn't) and it takes care of that
- Why bother?
The disadvantages:
- You can't pretend you're a different person
- Obviously, when your private key gets compromised — it gets compromised everywhere
But maybe there are less obvious ones that I don't see? 🤔 · 1 year ago