👽 koyu

If it wasn't for my monthly train ticket or my bank I could really live with a dumbphone. It's just society trying to force these things onto me.

3 months ago · 👍 hanzbrix, chirale, half_elf_monk, jo


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18 Replies

👽 teekay

@jo yes, I tried a dumbphone for a full year, but no Do Not Disturb or call blocking was a pain, now I use the dumbed down Android and it is great. · 2 months ago

👽 jo

@gritty thank you, i'll check it out! · 2 months ago

👽 jo

@teekay thats also an interesting approach. do you use that? · 2 months ago

👽 teekay

Honestly the best dumb phone is a low end Android phone with 512Mb or at most 1Gb of RAM. Use Universal Android Debloater NG to remove all bloat and apps other than phone, contacts, calendar, clock, etc. Add Organic Maps for GPS. Maybe VLC for music and podcasts. Browser will anyway be too slow to be useful. I get a week of battery life from my Nokia 1 plus. · 2 months ago

👽 gritty

@jo Sunbeam F1 Horizon Bluebird. Works great. · 2 months ago

👽 m0xee

In the early 2000s half of my city blacked out — it was sure a big problem, but not the end of the world, we still had those landline phones and I could call my friends living on the other side of the city so I could go to their place and we could have fun together waiting for the power to be restored. Nowadays it would be simply catastrophic — the cell towers would likely die out in a matter of hours, no online payment and the ATMs would likely stop working too. Hospitals probably still take it seriously and have backup power sources, but I'm not so sure about the rest of the infrastructure. · 2 months ago

👽 m0xee


Country is Denmark

Looks like you're having it rough today: https://cphpost.dk/2024-11-28/news/round-up/massive-outage-disrupts-tdc-mobile-services-emergency-calls-affected/

Everything is so tied to the apps and yet the outages like that are still possible. We not only got more reliant on technology, but it seems to me that the technology got less reliable too! · 2 months ago


👽 hanzbrix

@jo We have a similar, disgusting trend here. Not only do most people use Facebook messenger, but businesses have adopted a trend of only using Facebook pages.

Even places who have had webpages, have deleted their webpages in favor of Facebook pages. Meaning you need a Facebook account to see details and to communicate with them.

With Facebook you need two apps even, cos it won't allow you to use messenger in the Facebook app or from a mobile browser. 😂 · 2 months ago

👽 jo

@gritty I tried this too a while ago. My dumb phone was very shit tho and lost charge very fast even though I didn't use it and had internet + bluetooth off. What dumb phone do you use? · 2 months ago

👽 jo

i've had this problem too. it's not just that, it's the fact that everyone is insisting on communicating with you via The App. one person i know doesn't even have a phone number at all and only wants to be texted on The App. and when you tell them hey, please send me an SMS I don't have The App on this phone they will still text you there and wonder why you're not responding. I'd quite Instagram immediately but my TTRPG group only communicates via Instagram... It's exhausting. I know it wouldn't be as easy for me to quit the smartphone but I don't even get a chance to try · 2 months ago

👽 hanzbrix

@half_elf_monk What @m0xee said isn’t far off. 😂

I can share, as we at least for now, aren’t censored from complaining. 😂

It is super frustraing, basically we have an identity app, a mailbox app (not email) and now two transport apps for the same lines (yes, dumb).

Tickets are only in the apps now, two competing apps...

As for the identity app, you can’t do anything without it, no taxes, no licenses, no medical help, no nothing.

The mailbox is the only way to communicate with the government, applying for licenses, birth certificate for your child and so on.

Country is Denmark, everything digital is dumb here. · 2 months ago

👽 m0xee


"What happens if someone doesn't have a phone?" — They get cast out and have to live in the woods. That's how people become witches and druids by the way, your smartphone suddenly breaks down, you fail to replace it in time — and there you are, sleeping with squirrels 🐿️ · 2 months ago

👽 half_elf_monk

@hanzbrix - That sounds really frustrating. Forgive my ignorance, and don't share if you can't, but where in the world are phone apps "mandated," and who has the authority to get away with that kind of thing? What happens if someone doesn't have a phone? · 2 months ago

👽 half_elf_monk

@teekay - this is the way. Bonus: make a faraday bag for the home phone, and leave it turned off when not in use. If you make it look cool enough, it's a conversation starter for normies who don't understand why this would be an issue. · 2 months ago

👽 teekay

In South Africa, having banking apps on your phone can be dangerous - people are kidnapped and forced to use the banking apps to transfer money to the kidnappers account! I keep banking/shopping/etc apps on a separate old Android phone that is left permanently at home, no personal data on it. · 2 months ago

👽 gritty

I run a dumb phone that has hotspot - I turn it on to connect my smartphone if necessary. · 2 months ago

👽 hanzbrix

@koyu Pretty much sums it up.

I only have two apps, because they are mandated, one is the stupid fucking mailbox and the transport app. 😂 · 2 months ago

👽 dragfyre

"modern (in)convenience" · 3 months ago