馃懡 gwenprime

Can your heart muscles get cramps?

3 years ago 路 馃憤 thatsredadcted, noderunner, know


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7 Replies

馃懡 gwenprime

this was entirely hypothetical thankfully 馃槄

thanks for the informative answer anyway 路 3 years ago

馃懡 know

my guess would be:


check out :


maybe also:



try to keep track of any patterns or triggers.

see a doctor and i think they will schedule some sort of diagnostic based on what the believe it might be.

it could also be something i haven't mentioned.

let us know how it turns out. 路 3 years ago





馃懡 dsfadsfgafgf

Chest cramp can be a real annoyance. When it's over the Heart area it's worrying until you realize your not having a Heart attack. 路 3 years ago

馃懡 gwenprime

just to be clear this was entirely hypothetical 馃槅 路 3 years ago

馃懡 ailolai

Ask a doctor :) 路 3 years ago

馃懡 lykso

@thatsredadcted Sounds like a heart attack is the result of blood flow being blocked and is not similar to a cramp at all.

I'm not an expert, but this person sounds like one:

gemini://gemini.bunburya.eu/remini/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/2xbih3/comment/coysiql/ 路 3 years ago


馃懡 thatsredadcted

Isn't that basically what a heart attack is? 路 3 years ago