I need your opinion guys/gals/whatever! I have been programming all my life in Turbo Pascal/Delphi/Lazarus/FPC and it has always served me well. I really like the Delphi/Lazarus RAD method of GUI building. I am not a professional programmer, but I am in industrial automation so I have been known to make some programs here and there (and they work well, over long time periods). But I feel old and behind the times. What new language would be good for me? Rust has a lot of followers, but it's hard to do GUIs... And there are so many choices... What do you think would be a good one for me? I need GUI, but also access to IO ports (like RasPI). Surprise me!
2 years ago
@fripster Install python and pyside6. And learn QML, you'll love it. I wrote this in a matter of days:
https://gemalaya.gitlab.io · 2 years ago
@justyb Thanks, I will look into it. Not so keen on C++ though, I like safe programming languages... @gemalaya Also thanks. Will check out the Qt/Python connection! · 2 years ago
Qt6. Without a doubt, the premier cross-platform toolkit. Qt Designer will make you feel at home with a Delphi background. It is less RAD than Lazarus, but it's better than everything else out there.
And just stay away from Gtk. They've gotten into a habit lately of routinely breaking everything. Case in point, they had a very capable GUI designer called glade. They decided to nix it for a different one that's less useful and doesn't even produce a format that you can directly use. The "recommended" way is to just edit XML by hand.
Java is also a good one to check out, but Qt6 all the way IMHO. · 2 years ago
@fripster In terms of GUI programming, i don't know anything better than the Qt/QML toolkit, and it has Python bindings, look into Pyside6/PyQt6. There's also Java/JavaFX, kotlin .. Go isn't that great for GUI development but it's better than a few years ago. · 2 years ago