πŸ‘½ freezr

Hi guys, I'd like to let you know that Telescope 0.9.1 introduced the external editor support!

This allows to comfortably write long message like this one!

This message has been written with Micro through Telescope!


9 months ago Β· πŸ‘ m0xee, astroseneca, martin


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5 Replies

πŸ‘½ freezr

@astroseneca sorry for replying so late... Since I am able to use my stealthbox again β€” which has been my daily driver for a long time β€” I am going to check and let you know how to use it! πŸ‘ Β· 7 months ago

πŸ‘½ astroseneca

@freezr It's a pity, but in Void Linux, in my QTerminal, such a keyboard shortcut as CTRL-x or similar does not work, although Micro is available as a console editor by default.

I usually build Telescope (having previously thrown a fresh libgrapheme into its folder) using the commands ./configure and make. Without any 'sudo make install' and just take the resulting binaries to my personal folder to use them. Perhaps there is a problem here.

I also don't understand where to apply the --with-default-editor micro(1) key at the build stage Β· 9 months ago

πŸ‘½ astroseneca

@freezr This is interesting. Then I'm going to try this new feature. Thank you. Β· 9 months ago

πŸ‘½ freezr

@astroseneca when you click an input type link Telescope open a minibuffer which is essentially a one line field you can

write in; this is fine to type an URL but it becomes uncomfortable once you want to write long messages (a.k.a.

multilines). Now Telescope lets you switch to your default TUI editor by pressing CTRL x; in your editor you can easily

write you message, then save quit will let you come back to Telescope.

It is very handy, I am replying to this message from Telescope, through Micro into TerminalPreview of Windows connected

to my StealthBox running Devuan or AArch64... xD Β· 1 second ago Β· 9 months ago

πŸ‘½ astroseneca

I don’t know how exactly this feature works, but the fact that it is available is already good. Β· 9 months ago