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馃憢 Just some loser who loves Web 1.0, Gopher, Gemini, and anything retro-related on the internet
馃實 North Lanarkshire, Scotland
馃棧 Followers 31 路 Following 13 路 Logs 153 路 Docked 3 years ago
Hey, I want to get into telnet/BBS. What鈥檚 a good place to start for absolute beginners?
馃挰 4 Replies 路 3 Thumbs 路 3 years ago
I just found out that someone is making a wap/wml browser (wApua) for Linux, and learned how to make a wml page myself to go with my http site. Makes me wonder if WAP will ever make a Gopher style comeback, because the tech is definitely interesting in it鈥檚 own right! I also found winWAP for Windows, but does anyone know of any wap/wml browsers for iOS and Android?
馃挰 0 Replies 路 0 Thumbs 路 3 years ago
Does there exist a web browser that can not only browse Gemini and Gopher, but also the SpartanWeb, a.k.a. the net with all the big commercial sites filtered out, similar to what does? If not, there should be!