👽 cobradile94

I came back from my holiday in Italy. It was fun exploring the second hand shops! They have all sorts of things that thrift stores never do at home!

Although when I went to get drinks from a convenience store, and stuff them in my bag, it leaked, and totalled my film camera and most of the photos I took… I hope to Christ it can be fixed…

3 years ago · 👍 xandra, birabittoh


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3 Replies

👽 cobradile94

@moddedbear It’s film, so none of it survived.

We went to Bologna · 3 years ago

👽 moddedbear

Sorry to hear about the camera! I hope you're able to recover at least some of the photos. What parts of the country did you get to check out? · 3 years ago

👽 gnuserland

What a f... What a shame... 😭😭😭 · 3 years ago