I was just looking for that "special" 24V power supply everywhere annoyed that the creator of the rather large and overly expensive appliance haven't simply put it right INTO the thing as my copy of iWoz turns up. It's ironic that the infuriating engineering oversights of a silly new age company put this book written by/about an engineer who truly changed the world put this book back into my field of view. Most of all I like the subtitle. "How I invented the person computer, co founded Apple and had fun doing it" - It's the having fun part that's so important. How much of the modern garbage we're bombarded with is just joyless trash made by people who just go to work?
5 months ago
Btw, the power supply was never found and at least it seems to fun just fine on 12V anyway. A much more standard type of external psu. #rantcraft ยท 5 months ago