bitigchi on Station

author: bitigchi

2021-12-30 19:39 UTC

Seeing the news about Japan losing two floppy disks containing citizen information, I thought I'd at last get an extenal floppy reader and check my pile of old floppies.

Getting rid of floppies was a mistake. We should have increased capacity and keep it as a cheap and viable way of transferring content across terminals/workstations. The share culture was much more vibrant with floppies being handed around friends.

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2021-12-24 12:14 UTC

I bought an external Apple Magic Keyboard for my Macbook Pro. I already enjoy my Unicomp 122 key, but the sleekness of the Apple keyboards is something else. Plus, Apple is the only vendor that offers premium quality Turkish F keyboards.

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2021-12-02 21:20 UTC

Esenlikler. Daha önce burada Türkçe bir not yazıldı mı bilmiyorum ama en azından kendi adıma bir başlangıç yapayım.

Greetings. I am not sure whether a snippet in Turkish has been written here before, but I guess I ought to make a start on my own behalf.

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