Hann setti 镁at 铆 l枚gum at hefja j贸lahald 镁ann t铆ma sem kristnir menn, ok skyldi 镁谩 hverr ma冒r eiga m忙lis 枚l, en gjalda f茅 ella, en halda heilagt me冒an j贸lin ynnist; en a冒r var j贸lahald hafit h枚kun贸tt, 镁at var mi冒s vetrar n贸tt ok haldin 镁riggja n谩tta j贸l! Skol!
2 months ago
jep it is a hard way to be a true barbarian...killing your enemies with wrath, hate them, kill them, hate them more, that's quite a fulltime job until valhall... *grabshissword 路 2 months ago
Tsk tsk, so much offence taken to garden variety looting ans pillaging! 路 2 months ago
@hanzbrix well, in the earlier days we barbarians used to slay christians and steal holy artifacts from monks. but nowadays everyone gives you a strange view when you behead someone in the name of the allfather Odin, so we better hang out with the druids and their magical herbs and enjoy some beer. 路 2 months ago
Skol! 路 2 months ago
That sounds like a mentality I can get behind! 路 2 months ago
@hanzbrix not really default, in bavaria we would say something like this 'ja saxndi, mi hods hoiwad, des warad saggrisch gschmagich gwen, dua amoi a hoiwe hea nacha hoggma samma und lassmas uns guad geha' what means, if i can translate this.. 'holy shit, i am stoned AF, the food was fscking awesone, gimme a beer, lets sit together and have a good time. 路 2 months ago
Did you have so much Christmas mead, you reset to default settings? 馃槀
Happy Yule, may your cup be bottomless and your plate full of meat! 路 2 months ago