👽 bavarianbarbarian

question: are you afraid of death?

7 months ago · 👍 userfxnet, eph, jo, captainrantcraft


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15 Replies

👽 n2qfd

You your ego, id afraid, I think that can be overcome, but the mechanical part of you can't be. There's some of your biology that will fight to the end if it's not suppressed or disrupted. The me that knows the image in the mirror is a reflection, is a little afraid. I'm part of a group that deals with death in the Jewish community. I'd tell you that the dead seem at ease but there's really no describing it. They were your friends, and now they are gone and you can do this one last thing for them. I think ritual cusions the blow and return you to "normal" life, and we the living need that cusion. In that there is some comfort. · 7 months ago

👽 captainrantcraft

Death left me a calling card a few years ago. When an early death looked like a very real option I wasn't afraid but disappointed. I don't want to be there anymore when death comes for real and used those last few years to make some serious changes to have a much better life. · 7 months ago

👽 five_over_four

hell yeah, baby. you could say there's nothing particularly scary about being dead, only becoming, and that's fair. a billiion trillion years'll pass before you even realise. the idea of not understanding what this reality is in the first place and then being yanked away from it? equal but a bit more philosophical. lack of closure on both fronts, i'm sure. · 7 months ago

👽 drh3xx

Am I scared of suffering before death? Maybe, but it would only be a temporary state. As for actually been scared of death? No, not in the slightest. I will either cease to be in which case I won't be able to feel any loss, regret or anything else for that matter. Or, existence will continue and it will be a whole new adventure. · 7 months ago

👽 jo

its rly intersting what exactly about death scares ppl. for some its how they will die and how it will feel and for others its more about the responsibilities they leave behind. for me its pure fear of mortality and not being alive forever though. · 7 months ago

👽 eph

Maybe. I feel that when I was a kid, some of my loved ones either died or came close to dying often enough that I’m not very scared of it. I think of St. John of Damascus’ burial anthems when I think of death. · 7 months ago

👽 softwarepagan

In a way, yes. In a way, no. Whatever my fear may be of death, my fear of slowly withering away into something unrecognizable is equal if not greater. For all the good death would deprive me of, it would deprive me of equal if not greater pain. Regardless, however, death is a certainty. It will be my turn someday. I can only hope I possess the spiritual fortitude to face it with some semblance of dignity. · 7 months ago

👽 bavarianbarbarian

@goodboyjojo jep, that are my thoughts too, but i have plans for that...for sure i willl not die as an old man in his bed. I'll go off with a clap, listening to beethoven, slayer, a bunch of whiskey and for hell, all drugs i can get ;) on my sterbebett i won't be sober. · 7 months ago

👽 bavarianbarbarian

@userfxnet in my dreams, they're always there, i call it the otherworld... i have met a jaguar during a ayahuasca ceremony and the medicine man told me that's impressive while it is the most powerful spirit... · 7 months ago

👽 goodboyjojo

no, not really. its more of how im going to die that scares me · 7 months ago

👽 userfxnet

@bavarianbarbarian you've never 'lost' them. they're around you, always. · 7 months ago

👽 bavarianbarbarian

@breakfast_champion i feel you, in my younger ages, i had no understanding about that. my first funeral was in the age of 5 years, my grand died fron cancer, i didn't even geht that in that age... but growing older and older... jep, it's a part of living... and death is playing a bad game with me, i should have died so many times...but that goddamn bastard is afraid to take me with him.... my curse is to live forever and loosing all my beloved behind me ;( · 7 months ago

👽 bavarianbarbarian

i had a near dead experience, it was really peacefull, no fear, nothing. just a quite calm... everything was fine... looking forward to meet my ancestors. playing chess with my grandpa in the woods, surrounded with my beloved pets.... · 7 months ago

👽 userfxnet

tl;dr whatever it is, I know I'll be with my loved ones, and at the bottom line I can at least remember that energy never dies. That's the most I can make of it at this time. Peace to you, bavbarb. · 7 months ago

👽 userfxnet

this is the most transparent I'll be about something like this, with somewhere like here: That's not something I wanna think about. That said, I have my own philosophies about whether or not what we experience 'here' ceases to exist.

Who are 'we' exactly? Does that get stripped? If energy is ceaseless, and my consciousness is a matter of energy, then regardless of whether or not my awareness remains do 'I' remain aware of 'myself' whatever that means in that moment? I'm not sure if any of that makes sense right now. I'm not sure if any of that WILL make sense by then. I also recognize, that isn't for me to make sense of. · 7 months ago