My dear fellow capsuleers, is anyone of you into military theory? Like von Clausewitz, Sunzi, von Dach or Musashi? Regarding to them, that russian strike makes no sense at all. The Iwan is just going insane, despite all common tactics of warfare. Any ideas?
2 years ago 路 馃憤 gnuserland
@gunserland: been there done that myself. seems i can not do a commit except 3 more edits and corrections follow:-) 路 2 years ago
@digbat I deleted and rewrote my message because I found a couple of typos... 馃槄 路 2 years ago
@gnuserland: it seems that your first reply on this thread has gone but was re-replied, and is now again most recent. Is a (bug station?), error , mistake, of no consequence whatsoever? 路 2 years ago
Because this is about politics not war, the point is what else is trying to achieve besides avoiding to have the otan in front of its door? 路 2 years ago
in EU4 blobbing (war) theory two things matter: money, bodies (non-rebel). RU has bodies, no money. the more bodies we use up, the less money we have. fighting in marshes, forests, etc, unfavorable. 路 2 years ago