馃懡 bavarianbarbarian

It is always a pleasure to meet people who can speak klingon a bit fluently :) bortaS bIr jablu'DI' reH QaQqu' nay'!

3 weeks ago 路 馃憤 fab


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9 Replies

馃懡 bavarianbarbarian

@fab never call a klingon a coward, veeeeery bad idea ;) in the wh40k universe i play a lordinquisitor, but in star trek, i'd never would call a klingon a coward... 路 3 weeks ago

馃懡 fab

@bavarianbabarian I have to admit that I used a web translation service. And it seems, that my comment translates to 'you are a coward' which I didn't want to say. What I really wanted to say is 'IQongwIj DaH paghmo!' which translates to 'Lets go to war!'. :) 路 3 weeks ago

馃懡 bavarianbarbarian

my grammar is bad, but it seems to be correctly. 路 3 weeks ago

馃懡 fab

naDevvo' yIghoS! (But I'm not sure if I got that right... :) 路 3 weeks ago

馃懡 hanzbrix

I need to learn those things 馃槀 路 3 weeks ago

馃懡 bavarianbarbarian

ok, it is more a pleasure to talk to people to talk in vulkan or goa'uld, kreeeeeee! 路 3 weeks ago

馃懡 bavarianbarbarian

@hanzbrix it is spelled Qapla' :P 路 3 weeks ago

馃懡 hanzbrix

Didn't Google used to have a klingon translation? I guess that went away, along with their sense of community. 路 3 weeks ago

馃懡 hanzbrix

Kaplah! 路 3 weeks ago