馃懡 bavarianbarbarian

My fellow capsuleers, tell me, what is your OS of choice? Linux, Windows, BSD, OSX or some other strange kinda software?

3 years ago 路 馃憤 voss


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12 Replies

馃懡 eph

@moddedbear, yeah windows stinks and is good only for games (not even that sometimes)

t. I have to use windows 10 at work 路 3 years ago

馃懡 bavarianbarbarian

Shame on me, but i have not figured out how to start a poll. 路 3 years ago

馃懡 martin

This would be a good poll to run on Station :) 路 3 years ago

馃懡 digbat

Linux, macOS, but my heart still belongs to BeOS - not run microsith even in a vm for 10 yrs or so. 路 3 years ago

馃懡 moddedbear

Linux when I have the choice. I've been running Arch with KDE for a while, but just started playing around with Sway today.

MacOS isn't too bad either. That's what I use at work.

It's been a year or two since I've even touched Windows, and based on what I've seen from Windows 11 I hope I don't ever have to again. 路 3 years ago

馃懡 krixano

Unfortunately, Windows for the moment. Might try experimenting with Haiku VM or dual-boot or something, though, now that people on here reminded me about it :D 路 3 years ago

馃懡 bavarianbarbarian

Haiku user detected, great OS, use it for myself since BeOS days. Also like Plan9 and other rather uncommon OSs. 路 3 years ago

馃懡 syntheist

OpenBSD. It has been my favourite for years. But I also use Linux a lot, it's what I work with after all. And Windows, for games (Zwift, mostly) and a few other apps that I rarely use, but that are Windows only. 路 3 years ago

馃懡 lykso

Linux, generally. Using Debian on my MNT Reform right now just because there's a system image for it. 路 3 years ago

馃懡 eph

I like anything Unix-like more than I like Windows. Haiku has a special place in my heart, though I don鈥檛 use it as a daily driver. I used to use elementary OS a lot, but then I bought a Mac lol 路 3 years ago

馃懡 gnuserland

check recent update in the homepage... 路 3 years ago

馃懡 gnuserland

you can use now polls! 路 3 years ago