馃懡 bavarianbarbarian

i think i have eaten a philosopher today.. i can not deceide, is the human just a really great mistake by mother gaia or, except from a billion species, something really special? what do lifeforms do? fighting for survival. if man do it, we call it extinction of other species. if a lion shreds a zebra zu pieces, we call it the circle of life. so, don't we have the 'right' to kill and eat everything weaker than us, cos it is the nature of things? don't get me wrong, i'd never kill anything except for eating or defense. but just a few toughts. you think we're the only species that knows some like morality?

3 months ago 路 馃憤 hanzbrix, chirale


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4 Replies

馃懡 chirale

Yes, we have the right on Darwin's side. The problem is if a superior alien species enters the room with the same mindset. So it would be better to stick to the Golden Rule. 路 3 months ago

馃懡 drh3xx

Granted I have a fairly none standard view on free will, consciousness etc... AI is a very interesting development in this regard. I also often muse how our perception of the universe from a physics perspective could be completely off. For example if you think of the present as a current state coupled with a "memory" of prior states. You can have a completely nonlinear progression of natural time as long as during any state you have the "memory" of the conventional temporal states prior to that instant. 路 3 months ago

馃懡 drh3xx

I hold a mechanical view of the universe and do not believe in free will or a self, a being truly separate from others and the environment/universe. Given that perspective I'd say that we cannot be a mistake but merely exist because the underlying rules governing the interactions of the fundamental elements of the universe mean that at this stage of the universes existence we simply must. My perception of course is inline with most people in that I experience a sense of unique self; I'm only aware of what I think of as "my" thoughts and feelings for example. I guess my take on a famous quote could be "I am, therefore I think I think". 路 3 months ago

馃懡 hanzbrix

Isn't morality part of what we define as sentience? Maybe all of what we define as sentience really.

Morality itself being a very subjective, I think it becomes difficult to extrapolate anything useful on whether we were accidental or purposeful. It makes morality deeply flawed, as it is basically pure subjectiveness, which makes it impossible to determine who is right.

Morality is the reason why you have one view on animals and a hunter has the view of killing for sport and a vegan has the view of never touching an animal. Plus all of the in between.

It even comes to whether we are allowed to kill animals or not, which can't be logically determined. 路 3 months ago