hello my fellow capsuleers, i had a meeting with my jobcenter, don't know how you call it in your country, anyway... i've been working for several AAA companys, HP, toshiba, nuclear power plants...had some issues, nevermind... and now they're givin me MS office schoolings???? wrong planet anymore...
9 months ago
@m0xee haha no doubt. i got he joke ;) I did not study that stuff at uni, but i can read and with the help of the internet and friends you can teach that compuer things yourself. · 9 months ago
@bavarianbarbarian Yeah, I just used some stereotypical complex stuff about computing to make the joke up. I didn't study these things at uni, but I've been reading a lot when I was younger so I know these too, and I've been lucky enough to have applied some of that knowledge as my job. I did use Visio too actually, but that was long ago, and I did attempt to use dia first, but it was important to insert it into a Powerpoint presentation and dia didn't support any of the MS-friendly formats 😆 · 9 months ago
Yeah ours is similar. If they ask you what you do in your free time, you better answer "I apply for jobs" and nothing else, or your hobbies will be construed as obstructing your job search. They'll constantly pester you and send you for meaningless fluff training forever. · 9 months ago
@m0xee btw if you are studing IT in germany, that's what you really do ;) implementing basic OSs/kernrld, building operational hardware etc... · 9 months ago
This world is whack asf and full of bureautards it's a waste, but stay strong, and stay lit you got this. That stupid bitch doesn't even know what a BSD is, and how it precedes any of her stupid MS office bullcrap. · 9 months ago
@m0xee what the hell is a visio chart? i can operate IBM mainframes, but this thing scares the crap out of me.... my sense of humor :P · 9 months ago
Yes, smart-pants, I see that you have worked on memory management system for a distributed virtualisation solution in your previous line of work and have also implemented a microkernel used in wirless network stations from the ground up, nerd-speak, blah-blah-blah… But can you make a Visio chart? 😏 · 9 months ago
well, the lady at the office could not even understand what i told her i think... i am a trained unix sysadmin, used to hpux/solaris/irix/bsd/linux/aix and stuff.... but in her eyes, i need a MS office training... · 9 months ago
Seems typical. I have to provide college transcripts for things that should be obvious anymore also. It's a paperchasing game for HR to justify their existance. · 9 months ago
that is sooo them. unbelievably stuck in their ways. someone must make a killing providing all these ms word classes. stupid af. · 9 months ago
It sounds about right for the UK right now. I feel your pain. · 9 months ago
@lufte that are official agencies to get you into a new job if you are unemployed and get money from the state. to make sure you have required skills for a new job they send you to serveral workshops/schooling. but the reality is, if they don't find you a job they send you to nonsense stuff just because you arent allowed to do "nothing" while waiting for answers to your letters of application (...) · 9 months ago
What's a job center exaclty? · 9 months ago