@maxheadroom i can't remember that martin has ever restricted anyone's speech. i refer to perry barlow again, we are from the cyberspace... the rules of the carbon world don't affect us.... our world is a world of the mind where skin color, religions bias are nothing... and also there is free speech, as dumb as it may be, but that's your right to say whatever you want.
1 year ago 路 馃憤 maxheadroom, bavarianbarbarian, gemalaya, danrl
@martin that's the spirit! 路 1 year ago
Yes that's right, I never delete anything here as that would be imposing my views on others. This is a totally free space. 路 1 year ago
@maxheadroom nono, don't get me wrong, no need to apologize. maybe i didn't express myself right for english isn't my motherlanguage. what i want to tell, i have never seen that in this place here something was censored. i believe in the freedom of speech, whatever bullsh*t the other party is talkin bout. literally, as long as you just talk to each other and don't kick in ur face, it's ok. i may hate your opinion, but i will stand up for your right to say it... 路 1 year ago
I think self hosting a capsule might be the best for this, if that's something available to you. 路 1 year ago
On some gem spaces there apears to be a restriction, where they use generalized terms that can easily be interpreted yet based on those terms they could simply delete your work. So i seek a place that's not restrictive but also not requires a lawyer to figure out what i can and can not write. I still have to figure out a lot of aspects of gem space. And maybe gem space is not right for this... Thats also an option, but that would be a bit odd. 路 1 year ago
no no this is not about martin, my apologies if it looked that way
I'm looking if there is a gem space for more controvercial content where i can drop a few idea's and insights. And also stuff i have not clear for myself. stuff like this can be very difficult for people who are easily offended. Even when it is not about offending anyone but to find out WHY things are as they are. I don't want to do this on station as this is not the place for it. But it's not easy to find a space. As gemini is a text based space i hoped that there already were a few options, and there probably are, but i have not spotted one yet. 路 1 year ago