author: basil_mori
In spite of not having updated it for most of a year (my bad) I've finally taken the time to mirror/move my capsule over to gemini:// as part of a jam. Call me lazy but I prefer to think of it as "setting achivable goals."
Maybe I'll even take the time to start writing gemlogs again.
I haven't checked in here for a while. Guess I've been busy. That's life sometimes, you know?
Been busy away with life for a while, but here's a small journal entry about a beautiful thing I saw today in the form of an audio file.
My favorite Youtube thing is when thousands of people are randomly recommended a video all at the same time, so you find yourself on a video with no reason to go viral and all the comments are from literally five seconds ago.
Today's a special day for me, so I wrote a gemlog about it. gemini://
As someone who doesn't use nearly any social network regularly, this article is extremely interesting. I don't know nearly enough about network programming to know how easy or hard it would be to create something better able to scale, but clearly it's something to think about.
The fediverse is a really interesting concept. Connecting everything together with ActivityPub so that users can pick the software/instance they prefer but still interact with any other corner of the larger network is a lofty goal, I'm just not sure it's practical.
I'm happy to say my dead simple plugin for editing .gmi files in Obsidian has just been merged into the community plugins list. Any fellow Obsidian users out here in geminispace can now officially search up "Edit Gemini" in plugin discovery and download it for themselves. It's not a perfect solution but I've been finding it useful and I hope some others can as well.
With a little help from, I've completely reorganized my steam library. It's now grouped into my priority backlog of the next games I want to get to, the games that are actively in progress, and a smaller subset of the games I'm currently focusing down and trying to finish before anything else. Plus a handful I want to 100%. Hopefully that helps.
I have far too many games I've started and haven't finished. I wonder how effective it would be to disallow myself from buying/picking up any other games until I've finished or fully given up on the ones I already began.
The one problem with building my gemlog around my tendency to mentally ramble about things at length is that when I start writing a post it doesn't take long before I'm at a couple thousand words and counting.
Success, I can now create and edit .gmi files from within Obsidian using a couple new menu items and the default markdown editor. If I can manage to trick it into decorating Gemini-style links I'll be extremely pleased with myself, but either way this will be much easier since I already write everything else in Obsidian.
The Obsidian plugin I slapped together doesn't load on mobile. I'm not sure whether that's because there's another step I need to take or if I did something wrong, but it did lead me to look into cheap and easy alternatives and I discovered that it's very simple for a plugin to allow the user to open arbitrary filetypes in the default markdown editor. That's a surprisingly good editing experience, so I'll lean into that instead of trying to salvage the existing version.
Just spent most of the day working on an Obsidian plugin to edit .gmi files. Basic editing is easy enough, but it all fell apart when I tried hacking in syntax decoration. The current implementation isn't stable on some edge cases I haven't quite figured out. I'll work on improving it and try using it practically in the meantime. I have a backup of my capsule, so I don't have anything to lose but my patience.
Slapped together a gemtext syntax highlighting file for xed, which is the basic text editor I'm currently using. Perhaps someone else might find it useful as well.
I spent pretty much the entire free day today putting together a character sheet for Shadowrun, a game I've never actually played before. After stealing ideas from elsewhere and settling on a fun concept I've got a loud pink-haired girl who somehow manages to be great at stealth anyways and can break down barricades with her bare hands. This will be a fun experiment.
Finally got done with my Klonoa writeup. After a while of not being able to work on it I finally found myself in a spot where I was able to relax and just clean the rest off. I hope you all like it.
Found myself feeling especially ill lately; today I realized that there's a very high chance my daily cereal is contaminated with ingredients I'm allergic to. Didn't eat any this morning and suddenly I feel significantly better. Funny that.
At some point July's plan to write a simple overview of my experience rushing through Klonoa: Door to Phantomile in one mostly-uninterrupted sitting changed into me starting the log with a review on the series as a whole and it's now pushing 2k words before getting into the particular game I played. That's not exactly what I had planned, but maybe it'll be an entertaining read.
I dare you to watch this entire video.
Ah, the familar sensation of having my notes open right there but not being able to conjure up the requisite willpower or words to write anything in them.
Last week I purchased a New 3DS XL off eBay (thanks Rotary for the tip about picking up a "New" in particular). Today it arrived. In keeping with my obsessions with older media, software customization, and never leaving jobs unfinished, my entire post-work day has been dedicated to hacking the thing and copying my emulator collection over.
You can probably expect a log on the experience soon, sometime after I finish this Klonoa review I've been stalling on.
With the incredible heat lately I've been having trouble convincing myself to do much of anything at all, let alone write for my capsule. So in the meantime here's a weird thought I had earlier:
Everyone's greatest fear changes at different points in their lives based on new circumstances and events. At the moment my greatest fear is my Ebay package not showing up.
Feels odd to be recommending a YouTube video on Station, but this sketch by Viva La Dirt League hit me right in the same place I'm trying to draw from for my capsule. There's something so universally true about the joke that the entire video works without words, but it's not something I've ever seen truly acknowledged and dramatized in this way. - How strangers communicate in games
I'm quickly realizing that the problem with playing the entire game at once is that I've also condensed the amount of stuff to process to flush the experience out of my mind into one giant unit. Since I finished I have found myself unable to think about anything other than chunks of the game I just played, and I suspect I'll be stuck like this for a while.
Being one of those livestreamers who broadcasts for 3-4 hours at a time several times a week must be a right pain sometimes.
I could describe my day in detail, but the only thing truly worth knowing is that I spent five hours (with some interruptions) playing straight through the entirety of Klonoa: Door to Phantomile for the PS1 in a single go. Partially this was because I've been meaning to finish it for years, but mostly I wanted to see if I could. The answer is that yes, I can, but I really shouldn't have. It's an incredible game, a true gem of the PS1 era, but it really wears on you after the first three and a half hours of surprisingly demanding platforming.
Splitgate is crazy fun. Classic Halo-style free-to-play multiplayer shooter with a side of portals ripped straight from Portal itself. Great fun.
I've been a mess lately, but I've put together a new post about a free game I enjoy playing on the regular. 50/50 on my going right back to it after this.
I meant to write another chunk of content for my capsule the other day, but I've unfortunately taken ill over the last week. For the moment I'll just say that I finally managed to finish The Talos Principle a few days back, and I honestly wish I had gotten to it years ago. If you're in the audience for a by-the-book but fun and well designed puzzler with an interesting half-hidden story and some secrets that require varying levels of cleverness to collect, I highly recommend it.
I've been absorbed in other things for a few weeks, but I convinced myself to sit down and write this post I've been meaning to start my gemlog with. Hope someone finds it interesting.