author: antolius
It's kinda nice to see more wilting plants in astrobotany's community garden today: means folks are hanging out in meatspace for the holidays.
Use image feature on the station is a bit hit or miss (e.g. it produced a few empty results for me) but is genuinely super cool!
🎉️ I can post emoji now! 🎉️
(and new lines 😅️)
I love it that this place is still small enough so that I can dock every few days and still get through all the updates. It has a kind of message board feeling, as opposed to horror of infinite scroll found on typical social media.
I thought I'd be playing some games today. I ended up hanging on GitHub instead. :-/
It was recently pointed out to me that I water my plant on Astrobotany more rigorously than any of my actual living house plants. This is where I'm at this evening; how are you doing Station?