On Writing

I've always wanted to write more. It was always something I liked the idea of, but when it came down to it I neither enjoyed it nor was any good at it. I would have to write an essay or a paper or whatever for school, and would come out with something mediocre that I hated.

The last few years of uni have changed that. I have taken well over a dozen classes that required a significant amount of writing – both short-form and long-form – and came out of the experience as someone who is at least decent at it. I even grew to enjoy the process, something I seem to forget whenever I have a break from school, as my old memories of disliking writing resurface.

That's a big reason I started this gemlog: I want to write as a hobby so that I can remind myself that I actually like writing. I've set myself a goal of one post a week since that should be achievable with my current schedule, although we'll see how that goes. I suspect I won't manage that in the beginning, but if I can get in the habit of writing, I hope the rest will come with time.

Like most posts I will write, this was really written for myself: I mostly wanted to get my thoughts in order. I hope it serves to at least remind me why I am doing this.