The precise scope of the Smol Earth Compendium will hopefully come to be defined gradually and organically via a consensus process amongst the curators, but to help this happen the following guidelines are offered to set folks exploring in roughly the same direction.
Topics within the scope of the compendium include but are not limited to:
Content on these topics might be long or short, formal or informal, prose or poetry, focused on facts and figures or on emotional responses (or both!), detailing first hand experience or responding to other people's writing.
Computers, the internet, operating systems, programming languages and text editors are out of scope, even if somebody has managed to connect them to the natural world. That's not a joke, those connections are not impossible, and they're not bad, but finding technical content in Goperhspace and Geminispace is the easiest thing in the world, and there is already at least one other server specialising in permacomputing. The Smol Earth Compendium seeks to encourage using small internet technology to talk about things other than the small internet, and to teach knowledge, skills and perspectives which apply to life offline and outdoors.
The name "Smol Earth Compendium" is deliberately reminescent of the famous "Whole Earth Catalogue", which is closely associated with the 1960s hippy counter-culture. While not entirely disawoving the "hippy" label, the Smol Earth Compendium is not supposed to cover the "hippy lifestyle" in general. The following subjects are also out of scope for the compendium:
This isn't a value judgement! Don't feel disouraged from talking about these things on the small internet if they interest you. They are just not what this particular project is focussed on.