2024-11-06 Carl Adam Petri, "Communication with Automata"
2024-05-17 Eike Best, Philippe Darondeau, "Petri Net Distributability"
2024-01-26 Bill Lin, "Software synthesis of process-based concurrent programs"
2024-01-15 Wolfgang Reisig, "Understanding Petri Nets"
2023-12-05 Dmitry A. Zaitsev, "Paradigm of computations on the Petri nets"
2023-10-10 Statebox, "The Mathematical Specification of the Statebox Language"
2023-10-08 Marian V. Iordache & Panos J. Antsaklis, "Petri nets and programming: A survey"
2023-10-05 Zhenhua Yu, Yuanli Cai, Haiping Xu, "Petri nets semantics of π-calculus"
2023-09-14 Jörgen Brandt, Wolfgang Reisig, "Modeling Erlang Processes as Petri Nets"
2023-09-13 Jörgen Brandt, "Beyond state machines: services as petri nets"