2024-09-27 Future Ecologies, "On Fire: Camas, Cores, and Spores"

2023-12-27 WILDER, Helena Geraldes, "Crias dos dois únicos casais de abutre-preto do Douro Internacional já saíram do ninho"

2023-12-26 The Conversation, Samantha Mynhardt, "Golden mole that swims through sand is rediscovered in South Africa after 86 years"

2023-12-26 The Conversation, Katherine Richardson, Xuemei Bai, "What are ‘planetary boundaries’ and why should we care?"

2023-12-12 The Conversation, Philip Donkersley, "Asian hornets make UK their latest target – here’s why they’re such a threat to European bees"

2023-12-06 Kim Hill, A. Magdalena Hurtado, "Ache Life History: The Ecology and Demography of a Foraging People"

2023-12-06 Emma Huddleston, "Decomposers and Scavengers: Nature's Recyclers"

2023-12-05 Ecology

2023-11-09 Saioa Legarrea Imizcoz, María Ángeles Marcos García, "Fewer insects hitting your car windscreen? Here’s why"

2023-11-08 WILDER, Inês Sequeira, "É só uma questão de tempo para a formiga-de-fogo chegar a Portugal, mas há medidas a tomar"

2023-11-08 WILDER, Helena Geraldes, "Portugal assina formalmente Tratado do Alto Mar"

2023-10-05 WILDER, Helena Geraldes, "Peixes grandes estão a ficar menores e peixes pequenos estão a substituí-los"

2023-10-05 WILDER, Helena Geraldes, "Lixo que águias-pesqueiras usam nos seus ninhos põe em perigo a sua sobrevivência"

2023-10-05 WILDER, Helena Geraldes, "Coligação preocupada com potencial vontade europeia de diminuir protecção ao lobo"

2023-10-05 WILDER, Helena Geraldes, "Bastidores: Patrícia estudou a única espécie de cágado de São Tomé e Príncipe"

2023-09-28 The Conversation, Mike Emslie, Daniela Ceccarelli, David Wachenfeld, "Is the Great Barrier Reef reviving – or dying? Here’s what’s happening beyond the headlines"

2023-09-27 WILDER, Jéssica Teixeira, "Madeira: corveta Afonso Cerqueira, o refúgio submerso"

2023-09-27 WILDER, Helena Geraldes, "Peritos alertam que há mais de 3500 espécies exóticas invasoras nocivas no mundo"

2023-09-27 WILDER, Helena Geraldes, "Mexilhões de água doce portugueses estão em perigo crítico"

2023-09-27 WILDER, Helena Geraldes, "Europa tem 2.138 espécies de abelhas selvagens, revela nova lista"

2023-09-27 WILDER, Helena Geraldes, "Bruxelas insta autoridades locais a recolherem dados para rever conservação do lobo na Europa"

2023-09-27 WILDER, Helena Geraldes, "Associações de ambiente enviam queixa a Bruxelas contestando o abate de pombo-da-madeira"

2023-09-27 The Conversation, Evodius Waziri Rutta, "Conflict between humans and wildlife in Tanzania is being poorly managed – and climate change is making things worse"

2023-08-29 The Conversation, Nicholas R. Longrich, "Mass extinctions made life on Earth more diverse – and might again"

2023-08-22 The Conversation, Esther Kettel, "Europe’s wild bird species are on the brink – but there are ways to bring them back"

2023-08-22 The Wildlife Trusts, "UK government allows ‘emergency’ use of banned bee-harming pesticide just days after EU tightens protections"

2023-08-21 WILDER, Helena Geraldes, "Acordo que regula comércio mundial deixa de fora 904 espécies em risco, alertam cientistas"

2023-08-11 Open Data in Portugal

2023-08-08 WILDER, Pedro Anastácio, "Lagostim-sinal: Um invasor que chegou a Portugal pelo Norte"

2023-07-29 biointeractive, "Some Animals Are More Equal than Others: Keystone Species and Trophic Cascades"