The output "format".
set terminal svg
The output file.
set output "exp.svg"
Enable gridlines.
set grid
Where to place the lines/points/&c legend.
set key right bottom
Legend of the XX/YY axes.
set xlabel "The passage of time..."
set ylabel "Shittiness of the web"
Mirror or not the axes' tics -- notice the YY axis has tics on both the left
and right, but the XX axis has only on the bottom, not the top.
set ytics mirror
set xtics nomirror
Use a logscale of base 7 for the XX axis -- the base is optional and defaults
to 10 I think.
set logscale y 7
The actual plot: `exp(x)` is the expression to plot; `x` is "special" --
there are a few different variables you can use, but they seem to depend on
the available axes/dimensions, but I don't know details of this so RTFM.
`title "..."` sets this line's legend.
plot exp(x) title "Super straight line"