Babylon's Ashes

Legacies and Strategies

The free navy. Finally given some room to govern, falls. It was a

wonderful exposition into how a careful story. Well crafted. Can

create a narrative that can form and hold an empire. That and rail guns

keeping your main foothold to said empire in check.

Bablyon's ashes was a fantastic addition to the expanse series. It was a

page turner. A beautiful tale of megalomania and revenge. Or just a fun

exposay of the 'emperor having no clothes'. The highlights for me personally.

his father is. Really is. Was as heartbreaking as it was liberating when he finally

takes on the 'Nagata' surname.

especially fun. As the antonym scene from her being stuck in an airlock. Unable to

help anyone.

All-in-all, 👍 great book and highly recommended.


updated: 15 November 2021.

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