When going through the process of implementing [webmentions](https://indieweb.org/Webmention)
I found the process to be a little challenging. However, I would imagine most of my issues
were due to having a static site. Lucking, I found some really excellent examples of people
who had set things up and also used hugo!
So for those looking to for some help, I found [kaushalmodi](https://gitlab.com/kaushalmodi/hugo-theme-refined/-/tree/master)
and also [integrating-webmentions-into-hugo](https://www.jayeless.net/2021/02/integrating-webmentions-into-hugo.html)
to have an excellent partial to follow. Mostly using the getJson function from hugo. The only
real gotcha was remembering to use `hugo serve --ignoreCache`.
So as for receiving webmentions, all done and complete. However, the real fun was just starting.
When looking into how to actually send webmentions, it looks like I get to do some coding. My
approach is to use vercel as a lambda to activate a scan of my rss feed whenever I publish a specific
kind of taxonmy in hugo.
So I started with these steps
updated: 19 August 2022.