By Gretchen McCulloch and Lauren Gawne
A podcast that's enthusiastic about linguistics by Gretchen McCulloch and Lauren Gawne. "A fascinating listen that will change the way you see everyday communications." –New York Times. "Joyously nerdy" –Buzzfeed.
Weird and deep half-hour conversations about language on the third Thursday of the month.
Listened to all the episodes here and wish there were more? Want to talk with other people who are enthusiastic about linguistics? Get bonus episodes and access to our Discord community at
Shownotes and transcripts:
2025-02-21 101: Micro to macro - The levels of language
2025-01-17 100: A hundred reasons to be enthusiastic about linguistics
2024-12-20 99: A politeness episode, if you please
2024-11-22 98: Helping computers decode sentences - Interview with Emily M. Bender
2024-10-17 97: OooOooh~~ our possession episode oOooOOoohh 👻
2024-09-20 96: Welcome back aboard the metaphor train!
2024-08-15 95: Lo! An undetached collection of meaning-parts!
2024-07-19 94: The perfectly imperfect aspect episode
2024-06-21 93: How nonbinary and binary people talk - Interview with Jacq Jones
2024-05-17 92: Brunch, gonna, and fozzle - The smooshing episode
2024-04-18 91: Scoping out the scope of scope
2024-03-21 90: What visualizing our vowels tells us about who we are
2024-02-16 89: Connecting with oral culture
2024-01-18 88: No such thing as the oldest language
2023-12-21 87: If I were an irrealis episode
2023-10-19 85: Ergativity delights us
2023-09-22 84: Look, it's deixis, an episode about pointing!
2023-07-21 82: Frogs, pears, and more staples from linguistics example sentences
2023-06-16 81: The verbs had been being helped by auxiliaries
2023-04-20 79: Tone and Intonation? Tone and Intonation!
2023-03-17 78: Bringing stories to life in Auslan - Interview with Gabrielle Hodge
2023-02-17 77: How kids learn language in Singapore - Interview with Woon Fei Ting
2023-01-20 76: Where language names come from and why they change
2022-12-15 75: Love and fury at the linguistics of emotions
2022-11-18 74: Who questions the questions?
2022-10-20 73: The linguistic map is not the linguistic territory
2022-09-16 72: What If Linguistics - Absurd hypothetical questions with Randall Munroe of xkcd
2022-08-19 71: Various vocal fold vibes
2022-07-21 70: Language in the brain - Interview with Ev Fedorenko
2022-06-16 69: What we can, must, and should say about modals
2022-05-20 68: Tea and skyscrapers - When words get borrowed across languages
2022-04-22 67: What it means for a language to be official
2022-03-18 66: Word order, we love
2022-02-17 65: Knowledge is power, copulas are fun
2022-01-20 64: Making speech visible with spectrograms
2021-12-16 63: Where to get your English etymologies
2021-11-18 62: Cool things about scales and implicature
2021-10-21 61: Corpus linguistics and consent - Interview with Kat Gupta
2021-09-17 60: That’s the kind of episode it’s - clitics
2021-08-19 59: Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Theory of Mind
2021-07-16 58: A Fun-Filled Fricative Field Trip
2021-06-18 57: Making machines learn Fon and other African languages - Interview with Masakhane
2021-05-20 56: Not NOT a negation episode
2021-04-15 55: R and R-like sounds - Rhoticity
2021-03-18 54: How linguists figure out the grammar of a language
2021-02-18 53: Listen to the imperatives episode!
2021-01-21 52: Writing is a technology
2020-12-17 51: Small talk, big deal
2020-11-19 50: Climbing the sonority mountain from A to P
2020-10-15 49: How translators approach a text
2020-09-18 48: Who you are in high school, linguistically speaking - Interview with Shivonne Gates
2020-08-20 47: The happy fun big adjective episode
2020-07-17 46: Hey, no problem, bye! The social dance of phatics
2020-06-19 45: Tracing languages back before recorded history
2020-05-22 44: Schwa, the most versatile English vowel
2020-04-17 43: The grammar of singular they - Interview with Kirby Conrod
2020-03-19 42: What makes a language “easy”? It’s a hard question
2020-02-20 41: This time it gets tense - The grammar of time
2020-01-17 40: Making machines learn language - Interview with Janelle Shane
2019-12-19 39: How to rebalance a lopsided conversation
2019-11-21 38: Many ways to talk about many things - Plurals, duals and more
2019-10-17 37: Smell words, both real and invented
2019-08-16 35: Putting sounds into syllables is like putting toppings on a burger
2019-07-18 34: Emoji are Gesture Because Internet
2019-06-20 33: Why spelling is hard — but also hard to change
2019-05-16 32: You heard about it but I was there - Evidentiality
2019-04-19 31: Pop culture in Cook Islands Māori - Interview with Ake Nicholas
2019-03-21 30: Why do we gesture when we talk?
2019-02-22 29: The verb is the coat rack that the rest of the sentence hangs on
2018-12-20 27: Words for family relationships: Kinship terms
2018-11-16 26: Why do C and G come in hard and soft versions? Palatalization
2018-10-18 25: Every word is a real word
2018-09-20 24: Making books and tools speak Chatino - Interview with Hilaria Cruz
2018-08-16 23: When nothing means something
2018-07-19 22: This, that and the other thing - Determiners
2018-06-22 21: What words sound spiky across languages? Interview with Suzy Styles
2018-05-17 20: Speaking Canadian and Australian English in a British-American binary
2018-04-19 19: Sentences with baggage - Presuppositions
2018-03-15 18: Translating the untranslatable
2018-02-15 17: Vowel Gymnastics
2018-01-19 16: Learning parts of words - Morphemes and the wug test
2017-12-21 15: Talking and thinking about time
2017-11-17 14: Getting into, up for, and down with prepositions
2017-09-21 12: Sounds you can’t hear - Babies, accents, and phonemes
2017-08-17 11: Layers of meaning - Cooperation, humour, and Gricean Maxims
2017-07-20 10: Learning languages linguistically
2017-06-15 09: The bridge between words and sentences - Constituency
2017-05-18 08: People who make dictionaries
2017-04-20 07: Kids these days aren’t ruining language
2017-03-16 06: All the sounds in all the languages - The International Phonetic Alphabet
2017-02-16 05: Colour words around the world and inside your brain
2017-01-16 04: Inside the Word of the Year vote
2016-12-15 03: Arrival of the Linguists - Review of the Alien Linguistics Movie
2016-12-13 02: Pronouns. Little words, big jobs
2016-12-13 01: Speaking a single language won’t bring about world peace
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