Linux Lads

By Linux Lads

Season 5 - Episode 5: DMing about Conan

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Published November 27, 2020 6:00pm


Mike: A cat got us 🐈Obligatory Twitter photo 📷🎥 Streaming video with Raspberry Pi and Motion

Shane: I have been 🎨 Blendering more and I have discovered a great resource ( That's my referral link so if people don't feel like indulging my self-serving plug you can go to )

Conor: 6 hours 😴 sleep, not recommended 😄Discussion

In this episode we welcome back DM and talk about YouTube-DL, browsers, a new phone, Gimp and the suitability of FOSS for pro work. Also, a competition!

YouTube-DL repo is back up 👍The...

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