Linux Lads

By Linux Lads

Season 4 - Episode 9: Fosa Fornication

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Published April 30, 2020 7:00pm


Mike: Being quarantined 😷🏠

Conor: Playing Twin Snakes in Dolphin πŸπŸπŸ¬β“β—NewsUbuntu 20.04:

πŸ›’ 21 Must-Have Apps for Ubuntu (2020 Edition) (via omg! ubuntu!)

πŸ‘ˆ Better fingerprints scanning (via omg! ubuntu!)

Ubuntu 20.10 will be called πŸ•ΊπŸ¦ Groovy Gorilla (via omg! ubuntu!)

Conor's LBRY vids πŸŽ₯Fedora 32:

Fedora 32 is πŸ§πŸ†“ released

Lenovo laptops πŸ’»πŸ§ will soon come with the distro pre-loaded.

The πŸŽ™ Linux Unplugged episode with Fedora Project Leader Matthew Miller.Vivaldi 3.0The new release has Tracker Blocking and ⏰ Status Bar Clock (via omg! ubuntu!)Manjaro Lysia


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