A Problem Squared

By Matt Parker, Bec Hill

008 = Height Matters and Dish Splatters

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Published June 30, 2020 6:00am

- Why are kitchen counters one-size-fits-all?

- Are the recorded surface areas of countries 3D?

- Why don't plastic things dry in the dishwasher?

Special thanks to:

Gareth and Kiruna (@garethandkiruna on TikTok and PIrate & Parrot TV on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHX3-ZTmi60fYtcnO4VOPSQ)

Ed Warner from Motionspot (https://www.motionspot.co.uk/, www.fineandable.co.uk and @themotionspot on social media)

Check out www.podcastsincolor.com for an exhaustive and excellent list of podcast recommendations.

And for Bec's 5KTS t-shirt, head here: www.bechillcomedian.co...

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