
By Select Works

Brave Dot Com

S2 E2

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Published December 03, 2019 6:00am

How a misfit polka band scored a premium spot on the World Wide Web in 1995. 0:35 - "The Verge is an ambitious multimedia effort founded in 2011 to examine how technology will change life in the future for a massive mainstream audience." (The Verge) 4:05 - More Brave Combo accolades are on their Wikipedia page 4:11 - Bob Dylan's version of Brave Combo's polka arrangement of "Must Be Santa" (YouTube) 6:53 - Domain Name Journal 8:11 - What Brave.com/bo looked like in 1998 (Wayback Machine) 11:23 - Appropos of nothing, here's a figurine of Carl Finch for sale on Etsy. He also has his...

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