A Problem Squared

By Matt Parker, Bec Hill

091 = Optimal Darts and Smelling Sharks

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Published August 12, 2024 7:09am

🎯 What is the optimal layout for a dart board? 

🦈 How soon after a cut does a shark smell your blood? 

📜 And there’s some AYE-YOOO-BEEEE.

To see the Percy Arrangement mentioned by Matt follow this link: https://www.globaldarts.de/globalDartsEN/sport/Percysboard.html

And for the “Optimal Dartboard Design” reveal, see here! https://journals.indexcopernicus.com/api/file/viewByFileId/1980058

If you want to learn more about shark senses, check out Sensory Biologist Dr. Lauren Eve Simonitis‘s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ocean...

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