Ghost of a Podcast: Astrology & Advice with Jessica Lanyadoo

By Jessica Lanyadoo

372: Horoscope - Oppositions to Neptune, Uranus, and Jupiter, Plus an Intense Conjunction to Mars

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Published October 29, 2023 1:00am

We're still feeling that Lunar Eclipse. And there is so much more action in the stars this week! It begins and ends with dramatic transits from Mercury to Mars and Uranus, and in between, we have overlapping oppositions between the Sun and Jupiter, plus Venus and Neptune. Expect things to move quickly, with the risk of defenses rising just as fast. This week's horoscope will help you cope with the bumpy ride ahead. 🎟 Join me on November 5th for Astrology For Intuitives: Identifying Your Psychic Strengths Through The Birth Chart. Register here:

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