By JT Pennington

292: AsiaBSDcon 2019 Recap

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Published April 04, 2019 10:00am

FreeBSD Q4 2018 status report, the GhostBSD alternative, the coolest 90s laptop, OpenSSH 8.0 with quantum computing resistant keys exchange, project trident: 18.12-U8 is here, and more.


AsiaBSDcon 2019 recapBoth Allan and I attended AsiaBSDcon 2019 in Tokyo in mid march. After a couple of days of Tokyo sightseeing and tasting the local food, the conference started with tutorials.Benedict gave his tutorial about “BSD-based Systems Monitoring with Icinga2 and OpenSSH”, while Allan ran the FreeBSD developer summit.On the next day, Benedict attended the tutorial “writing (network) tests for FreeBSD” held by Kristof Provost. I learned a lot ab...

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