By JT Pennington

300: The Big Three

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Published May 30, 2019 11:00am

FreeBSD 11.3-beta 1 is out, BSDCan 2019 recap, OpenIndiana 2019.04 is out, Overview of ZFS Pools in FreeNAS, why open source firmware is important for security, a new Opnsense release, wireguard on OpenBSD, and more. HeadlinesFreeBSD 11.3-b1 is outBSDCan 2019 RecapWe’re back from BSDCan and it was a packed week as always.It started with bhyvecon on Tuesday. Meanwhile, Benedict spent the whole day in productive meetings: annual FreeBSD Foundation board meeting and FreeBSD Journal editorial board meeting.On Wednesday, tutorials for BSDCan started as well as the FreeBSD Developer Summit. In th...

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