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My thoughts on whatsapp alternatives

My favourite Whatsapp alternatives are Session and Signal and my number one favourite is Session because it is decentralised and p2p so you don't have to rely on one server and unlike Signal it does not require a phone number for you to start using it and Signal is good and way better than Whatsapp but it requires a phone number and relys on a central server. I also like Jami, Briar and Threema and they are better than Signal in regards to privacy but Signal does have a very clean UI but Session's UI is better imo but whatever you do, don't use sms, Whatsapp or Telegram and the reason you shouldn't use Whatsapp is when you use Whatsapp your privacy is at risk and your data is being sold and even though Whatsapp can't read your messages they can read the metadata of the messages meaning they can read the context but they can't see the messages but because Whatsapp is not open source we have to take their word for the fact that they don't read messages, also Whatsapp is owned by Facebook an ad company and the reason not to use sms is it is not secured at all and is pretty much the digital equivalent of yelling things in the open air so everyone can hear you and the reason not to use Telegram is it is not encrypted (secured) by default and to do that you need to open up a secret chat not to mention the fact that they use a less secure encryption standard than the Signal protocol.






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